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Networks for environment
Environmental aspects of European policy are complex and interdisciplinary issues. In order to support their implementation regional, national and international Networks are operating in Europe, assisting in cooperation among institutions related to environment. Their goal is to support elaboration of common problem understanding and coordination of various environmental aspects implementation into programs, supported by EU funds (like cohesion policy, regional development program, operational programs).

Such Networks have various construction (like state structures, or local initiative, or informal connections), according to current needs and type of institutions participating at. Usually one Network has number of smaller, specific sub-network groups, gathering entities od similar kind, or dealing with similar problems (for instance renewable energy sources, natural environment protection, legal aspects, etc.). Al they are focused on improvement of activities aiming at sustainable development, balancing economical-social development.
Types of Networks:
  • National networks and platforms - are coordinating environmental aspects in entire range of EU supported programs in the country, including evaluation of guidelines and tools for programs implementation, as well as exchange of expertise among beneficiaries. As a rule members of such networks are program coordinating institutions, beneficiaries and environmental authorities of the country. Such networks are often supported by other institutions, like EC, R&D or NGO’s.
  • International networks - are a suitable solution for expertise and information exchange as well as coordination of similar activities among domestic local and governmental organizations with the relevant institutions in EU. International networks may be of an official, EU structure, like European Network of Environmental Authorities- Managing Authorities - ENEA-MA, managed by EC, , DG ENV and DG REGIO. But they can be of less official type, as it is in a case of cooperation between countries coordinated by international institutions and NGO’s, like Greening Regional Development Programmes (managed by . Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe – REC
  • Informal networks - can operate on the base of periodic meetings among institutions, authorities and individuals interested in specific issue. Such network exists in Great Britain, where sustainable development professionals of regional development programs are cooperating within Environmental Sustainability Theme managers - ESTMs, sharing their experiences. Network has two meetings in a year and developed system of mailing and calling contacts among participants

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Portal co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2007-2013

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